Mindfulness practice gives the mind a break from incessant, automatic (and often negative) thinking we experience that can contribute to stress, anxiety or overwhelm.
Essentially Mindfulness is attention training, being aware in the present moment, conscious of what is happening in the here and now, rather than being constantly consumed by thoughts about the past and future.
By training ourselves to notice our thoughts and feelings through focusing awareness on physical sensations, we come to realise that we have the ability to observe our mental and emotional states and shift our attention away from negative thinking and habitual behaviour patterns.
Though it has it’s roots in Eastern spiritual traditions, mindfulness is backed by very compelling science and empirical evidence. MRI scans show that after an eight-week course of mindfulness practice, the amygdala – the brain area associated with fear, stress and emotional reactivity appears to shrink, and the pre-frontal cortex – associated with higher order brain functions such as awareness, concentration and decision-making – becomes stronger.
This shows that the brain has the ability to change habitual ways of thinking, by forming new neural pathways – literally rewiring your brain!
When done repeatedly, mindfulness allows us to respond rather than react, essentially inserting a pause between our thoughts and actions. We can start to choose more empowering thoughts and make conscious decisions instead of reacting out of habit and past conditioning: the so called “running on autopilot” or living life by default mode.
Over time you are able clear out the mental clutter which provides space for new realities and patterns of thinking to emerge, and from this quieted place you can tune into greater creativity, intuition and wisdom.
Regular Mindfulness practice offers the following benefits:
- Decreased stress and anxiety
- Better sleep
- Better self-management
- Less reactivity
- Improved mental resilience
- Increased self-awareness
- Better memory
- Increased attention and focus
- Better conflict resolution skills
I love the meditations, they’re so grounding and really bring me back into the moment to calm and centre myself.
I have truly learnt a lot about myself during this process and have become a calmer, happier and more confident person. Overall I am much kinder to myself, I don’t feel guilty about every decision and action, and I am more mindful and more calm. I also feel that I am just enjoying life a lot more.
It was great for a mental reframe and shift in my thinking. I was able to realise that I was capable of doing some of the things I dreamed of. It taught me to get out of my own narrowed thinking and reach beyond to something new and possible.